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UDC 338.45.01 (44)   DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/zt.knute.2020(109)05


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ORCID: 0000-0002-7669-6601  

Doctor of Economics, Leading Researcher at the Department of Modeling and Forecasting of Economic Development,
State Institution «Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine»
26, Panas Myrny str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine


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ORCID: 0000-0003-4937-2596  

Chief Specialist at the Department of Basic Industries of the Main Administration of Industries of the Directorate for Industrial Policy and Promotion of Regional Development,
Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine
12/2, M. Hrushevsky str., Kyiv, 01008 Ukraine



Background. Europe has embarked on a new path of industry developmentthat is in line with today's ambitions and the realities of tomorrow. The current philosophy of EU industrial policy is based on the idea that the revival of industry must be the object of cooperation between industrialists, trade unions and public authorities.
Analysis of recent researches and publications revealed that, despite the high level of existing theoretical developments, the problems of institutional transformations in the formulation and implementation of industrial policy in the EU-countries, the provision of the state aid for development  and innovations in the interests of industry require further study for adequate reproduction of the best practices in Ukraine.
The aim of the article is to explore the EU experience, such as France's example, on institutional changes and new approaches to the formulation and implementation of industrial development policy in general and pharmaceuticals as a strategic priority in particular; the analysis of budget programs through which the state encourages the private sector to invest in research and innovation in industry; the substantiation of the application of European practices in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis for writing the article was the works of domestic and foreign scholars on the process of formation and implementation of industrial policy on innovative grounds, legislative and regulatory documents of EU countries. The research was conducted using the methods of theoretical generalization, comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis, which made it possible to characterize the process of selecting priorities of industrial development, to identify the factors that affect its dynamics, to justify the need for changes in the management of industry development in Ukraine.
Results. Today, the governments of European countries are creating new institutions, consisting of representatives of industrial companies, trade unions and authorities. They have a clear mandate: to collectively develop tools to stimulate the industry's innovative development to achieve economic growth. State aid for research, development and innovation in industry is a key policy element of European governments. The experience of EU countries has shown that long-term targeted government actions in this part has a positive impact on socio-economic performance, providing employment growth, added value, labor productivity and exports, accelerating economic development and increasing the welfare of the nation. 
Conclusion. In Ukraine, it is necessary to build an effective decision-making vertical on the implementation of innovation-industrial policy mechanisms, identify strategic priorities and evaluate the necessary funding, to introduce state support programs, to create a state financial-credit agency following the example of the French Bpifrance, introduce instruments to stimulate domestic demand for Ukrainian goods, make changes to the public procurement system for the development of industry for national security purposes.

Keywords: high technologies, innovations, industry, pharmaceuticals, state aid, industrial policy.



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