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UDC 340:[004:33]
VINNYK Oksana,
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, chief researcher of Department of legal support of market economy, Academician F. H. Burchak Scientific Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship of NALS of Ukraine 


Background. The rapid development of digital technologies significantly affected the relations in the economy, which acquires new features thanks to significant opportunities to exchange information and, accordingly, establish relationships between market participants: entrepreneurs, management subjects, consumers. These relationships require special regulation, which should stimulate socially useful application of such technologies and prevent abuse, and in case of unfair behavior of these relations participants – to ensure its (relations) recovery and application of measures against violators, including compensation for losses.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The works of many scholars are devoted to the research of the problems of the development of the digital economy, but they have not become sufficiently relevant due to the novelty for the domestic economy of these relations, their complexity and insufficient level of legal regulation.
The aim of this article is to create the theoretical basis for normative-legal regulation of the development of the digital economy and to determine its features.
Materials and methods. In carrying out the research, the following methods were used: abstraction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, logical-legal, sociological and others.
Results. Novelty and previously unknown dynamism, inherent for the relations DE, have caused the problems of their legal regulation, among which a considerable lag of the legal regulation of such relations from a constantly changing state. Thus, the general principles of legal regulation of this sphere have not yet been developed, and the experience of countries with a significant segment of the digital component in the economy is quite diverse: from the special law on digital economy in the United Kingdom to a significant number of legislative acts regulating certain types of digital economy relations.
Conclusion. The array of legislative acts of Ukraine, which in one way or another regulate relations in the field of the digital economy, is rapidly increasing, and, therefore, it is becoming rather problematic to orient itself there in, including the content of the relevant terms fixed in a significant number of legislative acts of varying legal force and without ensuring its (terms) unification. All this needs to be improved, first of all, in a system that involves concentrating most of them in one act – the Digital Economy Code or the Digital Economy Law, which should codify key provisions for the digital economy.
Keywords: digital economy, information technologies, electronic commerce, e-government, electronic money, electronic document circulation.