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UDC 343.9
Assistant Professor of the Department of International Private,
Commercial and Civil Law of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 


BackgroundThe effectiveness of economic and social policy of the country is closely linked with the standard of living of citizens.Today in Ukraine there is an accumulation of social problems and negative trends in the social sphere and it creates threats for the further development of society, which may be the cause of an increase in crime. Taking into account the above, the issues of criminological prevention of economic crimes in general and crimes related to violation of state social standards in particular remain unresolved. This makes it necessary to identify the cause or group of causes that encourage criminals and determine their actions and circumstances that create favorable conditions for the commission of such acts.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Many works of domestic and foreign scientists are devoted to the issues of determination of economic crime, which have a great theoretical and practical significance. However, the analysis of determinants of economic crimes, which are related to violation of state social standards, remains relevant.
The aim of the article is the study of crime determinants related to violation of state social standards.
Materials and methods. A set of general scientific and special-legal research methods was the methodological basis of the study.
With the help of logical and semantic method an attempt to determine general-social, special-criminological and individual measures of prevention was made.When applying the system and structural method, the factors contributing to the commission of these crimes are determined. Also, dialectical method of cognition, comparative-legal and formal-logical methods were used.
ResultsThe current legislation of Ukraine was analyzed and the problems that need to be resolved in criminology were considered in the article. The concept of crime determinants, state social standards and social guarantees is considered. The analysis of the works of domestic scientists in the field of economics and criminology concerning the influence of economic factors on the level of crime in Ukraine, the various approaches to the classification of determinants of economic crimes is carried out. The reasons, which encourage criminals and predetermine their actions, circumstances, which create favorable conditions for committing crimes related to violation of state social standards, are investigated.
ConclusionProceeding from the aforementioned provisions of the theory of economic crime determination and as a result of the analysis of scientific sources on criminology, depending on the sphere of origin and functioning, such a complex of the main determinants of crimes related to the violation of state social standards was outlined: political and ideological; social and economic; social and psychological; organizational and managerial; legal; determinants associated with the shortcomings of law enforcement.
Keywords: socialstandards, determinantsof crimes, economic crimes, criminalization of the economy, crimes prevention.